1、 Engine stalls when in gear
Fault phenomenon: After starting the car, shift the gear lever from P or N position to another position (P or R), and the engine stalls, or apply the brake to stop the engine while driving (without automatic start stop function).
For the transmission, it may be caused by damage to the locking solenoid valve or jamming of the locking control valve.
If the engine stalls due to multiple gear changes, it is necessary to check if the impact of shifting is significant. If it is significant, a rescue call should be made.
2、 Difficulty in shifting
Fault phenomenon: When you press the clutch pedal and attempt to move the gear lever, the transmission cannot shift into gear. This situation may occur when entering the first gear from a stop, or when shifting up or down.
Reason: The transmission fluid is too low, the viscosity of the transmission fluid is incorrect (the viscosity of the fluid is too thick), or the shift cable or clutch linkage needs to be adjusted.
3、 The car does not move in gear
Fault phenomenon: After the car is started, shifting to D or R gear and releasing the brake, the vehicle does not react and does not move forward. Manually shift to first gear, release the clutch, and the car will not move.
Reason: Possible damage to the transmission input shaft or reverse clutch, or damage to the D/R brake. It may also be due to transmission oil leakage, severe lack of transmission oil, or a loose linkage or cable between the car's gear lever and manual valve rocker arm, causing the manual valve to remain in neutral or parking position.
Solution: You must remain calm and try multiple times before calling the rescue number if the car still doesn't move.

4、 Shift shock
Fault phenomenon: It feels rough when shifting gears, such as the car jerking and the gear lever shaking.
Reason: The transmission oil is too dirty, causing the valve body to become stuck.
Solution: Replace the transmission oil.
5、 Skip gear
Fault phenomenon: Under normal driving conditions, the transmission is generally in the normal driving gear. However, if the gearbox gears automatically shift, the car may experience a gear jump, which requires special attention.
Reason: Due to worn gears or other components of the gearbox, there may also be other reasons, such as loose transmission components of the transmission lever, but these situations are not common.
Solution: Go to a repair shop for repairs.
6、 Automatic transmission cannot upshift
Fault phenomenon: During driving, the automatic transmission can only shift up to first gear, but cannot shift up to second gear or high speed; Alternatively, it is possible to shift up to second gear, but not to third gear or overdrive.
Check and adjust the throttle cable and throttle position sensor;
Check the speed sensor; Check the gear switch signal.
Measure the governor oil pressure. If the governor oil pressure is 0 or very low after the vehicle speed increases, it indicates that the governor is faulty or has oil leakage. 4. If there are no faults in the control system, the automatic transmission should be disassembled and inspected to see if the shift actuator component is slipping. Compressed air should be used to check for leaks in each clutch, brake cylinder, or piston.
7、 Automatic transmission with loud abnormal noise
Fault phenomenon: When the car is idling or driving under high load, abnormal noise or even loud noise can be heard from the transmission, and there is no rhythmic and dull sound when shifting gears.
Reason: Under long-term high temperature conditions, the anti wear and lubrication performance of the gearbox oil decreases, and the bearings, gears, and components in the gearbox are worn or severely worn, or there is damage to the side of the gears.
8、 Odor generated inside the box
The gearbox is operated by hydraulic oil. When the oil temperature is too high, some combustion will occur, and these odors will be transmitted. This indicates that some actuating components in the gearbox are not working properly.
If the transmission fluid is too low or insufficient, it may also indicate a leak or dirt in the transmission fluid that needs to be replaced.
Solution: When choosing transmission oil, car owners should try to choose original oil products. Using original oil products can maintain the good mechanical properties of the transmission and extend its service life (the car maintenance manual will indicate which type of transmission oil to use).
9、 Oil leakage
It takes a lot of effort to start, especially when in low gear, when the accelerator speed increases while driving, but the car doesn't move much, just like not engaging gear.
It may be due to the aging of the internal sealing components of the gearbox, resulting in oil leakage due to poor sealing.
Transmission oil is similar to engine oil, mainly used for lubrication, cleaning, cooling, rust prevention, and sealing. When the gearbox is in operation, there will be high temperatures and pressures. If the gearbox oil leaks or is lacking, it will cause insufficient lubrication inside the gearbox, resulting in dry wear. Long term dry wear will result in scrapping, and the shifting gear needs to be replaced according to its wear condition.