自动波箱内部结构复杂,不同路况自动波箱会频繁换挡,这就使得自动波箱容易磨损和出现故障。变速箱壳体或者油底壳处有油渗出, -一个原因是由于密封件老化,密封不良引起;另一个原因是制造工艺不良造成壳体有沙眼。挂入D或者R ,发动机熄火这种故障可能是锁止电磁阀损坏或锁止控制阀发卡造成。
The internal structure of the automatic wave box is complex, and the automatic wave box will shift frequently under different road conditions, which makes the automatic wave box easy to wear and failure. There is oil leakage at the gearbox housing or oil pan, one of which is caused by the aging of the seal and poor sealing; the other is that the casing has sand holes due to poor manufacturing process. If D or R is connected, the engine will stop. This fault may be caused by the damage of the locking solenoid valve or the jamming of the locking control valve.
Late shift, dead fire and impact
故障情况:测试入档标准是启动引擎,怠速,踩住刹车,入档,正常的的情况是1-1.2秒的时间内有入档的感觉,放开刹车踏板,在不踩油门]踏板的情况下车辆会慢慢起步并逐步提取到10 - 20公里/小时的车速,这是正常的入档标准,如果入档后超过2秒钟以上即定位入档延迟,这种情况需要立即检修。
Fault condition: the standard of gear selection is to start the engine, idle, press on the brake and shift into gear. The normal situation is that there is a feeling of gear shifting within 1-1.2 seconds. Release the brake pedal and the vehicle will start slowly and gradually extract the speed of 10-20 km / h without pressing the accelerator pedal. This is the normal gear in standard. If more than 2 seconds after the gear is put into gear, the gear in delay will be located, This condition requires immediate maintenance.

If there is a strong impact feeling in gear shifting, that is, positioning impact, it should be noted that any automatic transmission has a certain degree of impact feeling when it is in gear. If there is no feeling at all, it means that there is an internal fault. However, the impact is relatively large, which is unacceptable. The causes of this problem are very complex and include many aspects other than the gearbox. In case of stalling in gear, the engine will stall when it is in gear. This problem is more obvious when the car is cold. There are problems with the gearbox and other body systems.
Slow acceleration, poor reaction
In case of failure, the vehicle can't run at high speed, that is, the vehicle can't reach the 100 km / h speed segment in any case. The acceleration is very slow, that is, the accelerator is heavily stepped on, but the vehicle still accelerates slowly. The reaction is very poor and the feeling of soundness is lacking. This kind of situation also includes the slow engine speed, that is, the engine speed is not up and the speed is fast but the speed is not fast.
-般弓|擎排量位2.0左右排量的车辆平稳行驶的情况下,引擎2500 - 3000转时车速可以达到100公里的时速,如需要进一步提升车速,引擎转速需要同步增加。
-The engine speed can reach 100 km / h at 2500-3000 RPM under the condition of smooth driving of vehicles with displacement of about 2.0. If the speed needs to be further increased, the engine speed needs to be increased simultaneously.
If the engine oil is very stuffy and not smooth, it generally indicates that the engine needs to be repaired. If the engine accelerates strongly, it means that the internal gear of the gearbox is not correct, the clutch is burned out, and the mechanical failure of the converter occurs.
Water in automatic transmission
自动变速箱因外部原因造成进水,导致自动变速箱工作不正常,这个可能是由于水箱串油,或者有水从自动变速箱透气帽处进入。自动变速箱打滑, 加速无力,汽车在行驶过程中,加油门提速过程中有发动机空转的声音,车子速度并未提升,感觉整个车子无力,这种现象多数是由于离合器片有烧损引起的。
The automatic transmission does not work normally due to water inflow due to external reasons. This may be due to the oil in the water tank or water entering from the air vent cap of the automatic transmission. The automatic transmission skids and the acceleration is weak. During the driving process, the engine idles during the acceleration of the fuel door. The car speed does not increase, and the whole car feels powerless. This phenomenon is mostly caused by the burning of the clutch plate.
Jinan automatic transmission maintenance
Transmission locking:
输入输出信号不正确或者各元件本身路线不良导致,有时也会有自动变速箱电脑和其他系统电脑的通信有问题而产生自动变速箱维修提醒广大车主,在平时用车时,一定要正确使用自动变速箱 ,延长其使用寿命,一旦发现有故障现象要及时将自动变速箱送往维修店维修,以免造成不必要的损失!
If the input and output signals are incorrect or the components themselves are not well aligned, sometimes there will be problems in the communication between the automatic transmission computer and other system computers, resulting in the maintenance of the automatic transmission. This reminds the majority of car owners that they must use the automatic transmission correctly when using their cars, To extend its service life, once the fault is found, the automatic transmission should be sent to the professional maintenance shop for maintenance in time, so as to avoid unnecessary loss!
Engine idling
-Generally, there are two situations. One is that the engine idles suddenly when the vehicle is stable, and it returns to normal when the speed is slow. This generally indicates that the gearbox suddenly drops from high gear to low gear in a short period of time. The problem may be in the control system or cooling system, and the gearbox itself has no problem. Second, there is a short-term phenomenon of slipping and idling in the process of acceleration or gear shifting. The intuitive feeling is that the latter is not as severe as the former. In fact, it is on the contrary that the problems of the latter mostly lie in the clutch and other related links in the gearbox. It is necessary to overhaul the gearbox thoroughly, and the time cost consumption is much more than that of the former.
Smell burnt smell. If you smell burning smell of transmission fluid, it may indicate that the transmission is overheated. The transmission fluid can not only keep the moving parts of the gearbox properly lubricated, but also provide cooling effect to prevent the gearbox from overheating. The burnt smell may be due to the low or insufficient transmission fluid in the transmission, or it may indicate that the transmission fluid has leaked or has become dirty and needs to be replaced.
变速箱是汽车中比较重要的存在,也是人们比较看重的,变速箱带给人们比较大的安全感,那么如果变速器出现了问题,就会比较担心了,而且维修的费用是比较昂贵的,那么 今天小编要给你们介绍的就是自动变速箱故障有哪些?给你们介绍一些常见的故障,多了解一些也是比较好的。
Gearbox is an important part of the automobile, and people attach great importance to it. The gearbox gives people a greater sense of security. If there is a problem with the transmission, you will be more worried, and the maintenance cost is relatively expensive. What are the faults of the automatic transmission? What are the common faults, It's better to know more.