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当前位置: 首页>>新闻中心>>行业动态注意这几点 你的自动变速箱就能持久耐用

注意这几点 你的自动变速箱就能持久耐用

发布日期: 2021-02-23 来源: http://www.jnbsx.com/ 点击: 0


Now when buying a car, most people will choose automatic transmission, because it is easy to operate, but it also has the disadvantages of difficult maintenance and high maintenance cost. The maintenance of automatic transmission can be said to be the most complex system in vehicle repair. A new transmission costs tens of thousands of yuan at least and more than 100000 yuan at most. So we have to learn to protect the automatic transmission and make it live longer.
一、尽缩短怠速热车的时间 通过怠速来升高油温比边行车边热车要慢。而发动机达到正常工作温度的时间越短,发动机的磨损越小,所以怠速会延长发动机达到正常工作温度的时间。怠速时间越长,产生的积碳越多。
1、 It is slower to increase the oil temperature by idling than to warm the car while driving. The shorter the time for the engine to reach the normal working temperature, the smaller the wear of the engine, so the idle speed will extend the time for the engine to reach the normal working temperature. The longer the idling time, the more carbon deposition.
二、爬坡要换手动低挡 在不踩刹车,不给油门的情况下汽车自动向前爬行这时离合器处于半联动状态。由于半联动,这时离合片之间的磨损会很严重。
2、 Climbing to shift to manual low gear, in the case of not stepping on the brake, not to the accelerator, the car automatically crawls forward, when the clutch is in the semi linkage state. Because of the semi linkage, the wear between the clutch pieces will be very serious.
三、转速不能过低 发动机转速过低是指转速低于车速在10Km/h时一档的转速。转速过低,汽车没有惯性,发动机带动汽车行驶时,各机部件之间压力很大。转速过低,汽油燃烧不完全,发动机动力不足。
3、 The engine speed should not be too low. Low engine speed means that the speed is lower than the first gear speed when the vehicle speed is 10km / h. When the speed is too low, the car has no inertia. When the engine drives the car, there is a lot of pressure between the parts. The speed is too low, the gasoline combustion is not complete, and the engine power is insufficient.
四、熄火前减速慢行 停车,换档至停车档,然后拉手刹,熄火,这个过程尽量不要过快。
4、 Slow down and stop before flameout, shift to the parking gear, then pull the handbrake and flameout. This process should not be too fast.
五、上下陡坡时用手动模式 运气差的时候,说不定我们的车就会被堵在陡坡上,走走停停。此时,我们更应该使用手自一体变速器的手动模式,将挡位限制在1挡,以应付频繁的斜坡起步。
5、 When we go up and down steep slopes, we use manual mode. If we have bad luck, maybe our car will be stuck on the steep slope and stop and go. At this time, we should use the manual mode of the manual automatic transmission to limit the gear to the first gear to cope with the frequent slope starting.
这样操作,对变速箱也是一种保护; 下陡坡或在地下车库行驶时使用手动模式的低挡位下坡,显然比挂D挡下坡要舒服得多,起码我们不用频繁并且长时间踩着刹车,而且还能保障行车安全,一举两得。
This kind of operation is also a kind of protection for the gearbox. It is obviously more comfortable to use the low gear downslope in manual mode when going downhill or driving in the underground garage than to use the D gear downslope. At least we don't have to step on the brake frequently and for a long time, and we can also ensure the driving safety. We can do two things at once.

关键词: 自动变速器故障检测一般程序 自动变速箱常见几种状况有哪些? 汽车变速箱进水后怎么维修? 汽车变速箱基础知识的特点讲解 自动变速箱维修保养要注意什么?

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