Continuous heavy rain or sudden rain will make many parts of the city flooded, which will not only bring a lot of inconvenience to people's travel. Driving friends will inevitably drive through some of the water on the road, when driving friends through the water too deep, it may also lead to transmission water failure.
When the gearbox is filled with water, the performance of the gearbox oil will be seriously affected due to the mixing of the gearbox oil with water. Not only the lubrication performance will be damaged, but also the transmission power performance of the gearbox oil will be reduced. Then the clutch slip will occur, which may seriously affect the entire operating system. . At this time, it is necessary to repair the car at the repair shop to avoid greater damage. Chengdu automatic transmission maintenance suggestion: when the gearbox is flooded, we should pay attention to the following points:

1. 在进行变速箱维修时需要更换胶圈、油封一类的橡胶性质的元件;
1. in the case of gearbox maintenance, rubber elements such as aprons and oil seals need to be replaced.
2. 还要更换摩擦片,因为摩擦片由钢片和高密度的木脂材料组成,遇水发胀后会影响摩擦效果;
2. Change the friction plate, because the friction plate is composed of steel sheet and high-density wood grease material, which will affect the friction effect when swelled by water.
3. 再者就是还需要彻底更换变速箱油和差速油,当然在更换变速箱油的时候要选对正确的换油方式,针对自动变速箱油的更换,建议使用循环机换变速箱油的换油方式进行更换;
3. Further more, it is necessary to completely replace the transmission oil and differential oil, of course, when replacing the transmission oil to choose the correct way to change oil, for the replacement of automatic transmission oil, it is recommended to use the circulator to replace the transmission oil replacement method;
4. 其中当进水严重时还需要更换链轮;
4., when the water is serious, it is necessary to replace the sprocket.
5. 若发现进水后润滑效果减弱,还可以更换变速箱的阀体;
5. if the lubricating effect is reduced after entering the water, the valve body of the gearbox can also be replaced.
6. 如果自动挡多功能开关等元件涉水也必须更换。
6. if the automatic multi-function switch and other components wading must also be replaced.